
Our staff members has worked with leading company in Italy for the planning, organizing and staging of art exhibitions.
Hedgehog & Partners , is a well-structured and highly integrated team of experts ensuring an outstanding degree of experience, a high level of reliability, and the utmost commitment.


A large number of exhibitions were organized in Milan, at Palazzo Reale, Castello Sforzesco, and PA C – Contemporary Art Pavillon.

ARTE ITALIANA. 1968-2007 Pittura Palazzo Reale. Milano 13 July 2007 – 11 November 2007 – Concept by Vittorio Sgarbi, curated by Maurizio Sciaccaluga

NUOVI PITTORI DELLA REALTÀ. PAC. Milan 12 October 2007 – 25 November 2007 – Curated by Maurizio Sciaccaluga

L’ARTE DELLE DONNE. Dal Rinascimento al Surrealismo Palazzo Reale. Milan 5 December 2007 – 9 March 2008 – Curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Hans Albert Peters, Beatrice Buscaroli Fabbri

LEONARDO. Dagli studi di proporzioni al Trattato della Pittura Castello Sforzesco. Milan 7 December 2007 – 2 March 2008 – Curated by Pietro C. Marani, Maria Teresa Fiorio

SCAPIGLIATURA. Un “pandemonio” per cambiare l’arte Palazzo Reale. Milan 26 June 2009 – 22 November 2009 – Curated by Annie-Paule Quinsac


We started a long-term collaboration with the municipality of Brescia organising exhibitions dedicated both to all-time Masters and the great civilizations of the past.

INCA. Origine e misteri delle civiltà dell’oro Museo di Santa Giulia. Brescia 4 December 2009 – 27 June 2010 – Curated by Paloma Carcedo de Mufarech. Co-curators: Antonio Aimi and Giuseppe Orefici

PLUS ULTRA. Oltre il Barocco Museo di Santa Giulia. Brescia 4 December 2009 – 27 June 2010 – Curated by Giorgio Antei

MATISSE. La seduzione di Michelangelo Museo di Santa Giulia. Brescia 11 February 2011 – 26 June 2011 – Curated by Claudia Beltramo Ceppi Zevi

ERCOLE IL FONDATORE. Dall’antichità al Rinascimento Museo di Santa Giulia. Brescia 11 February – 26 June 2011 – Curated by Marco Bona Castellotti and Antonio Giuliano


The exhibition held in Gorizia dedicated to the beautiful Venetian Eighteenth century was a refined choice.

LE MERAVIGLIE DI VENEZIA. Dipinti del ‘700 in collezioni private Palazzo della Torre. Gorizia 14 March 2008 – 27 July 2008 – Curated by Dario Succi and Annalia Delneri


In 2004 Casa dei Carraresi in Treviso started to be the venue of a series of exhibitions dedicated to Venetian painting and culminating in the one on Canaletto in 2008.

OTTOCENTO VENETO. Il trionfo del colore Casa dei Carraresi. Treviso 15 October 2004 – 27 February 2005 – Curated by Giuseppe Pavanello

VENEZIA ‘900. Da Boccioni a Vedova Casa dei Carraresi. Treviso 27 October 2006 – 8 April 2007 – Curated by Nico Stringa

CANALETTO. Venezia e i suoi splendori Casa dei Carraresi. Treviso 23 October 2008 – 5 April 2009 – Curated by Giuseppe Pavanello and Alberto Craievich

EL GRECO IN ITALIA. Metamorfosi di un genio Casa dei Carraresi. Treviso 24 October 2015 – 10 April 2016 – Curated by Lionello Puppi

GUERRE STELLARI. Play Casa dei Carraresi. Treviso 12 December 2015 – 10 April 2016 – Curated by Fabrizio Modina

FRANCIS BACON. Un viaggio nei mille volti dell’uomo moderno Casa dei Carraresi. Treviso 15 October 2016 – 1 May 2017 – Curated by Edward Lucie Smith and Giulia Zandonadi


The capital answers to today’s requests and opens to innovative and pop experiences.

GUERRE STELLARI. Play Complesso del Vittoriano – Ala Brasini 28 October 2016 – 29 January 2017 – Curated by Fabrizio Modina

CITY LEGO. 7.000.000 BRICKS IN TOWN Guido Reni District 8 December 2016 – 29 January 2017 – Curated by di LAB


The prestigious Palazzo della Gran Guardia is the venue for an exhibition on a fascinating civilization which was presented last time in 1998.

MAYA. Il linguaggio della bellezza Palazzo della Gran Guardia. Verona 8 October 2016 – 5 March 2017 – Curated by Karina Romero Blanco


Thanks to the extraordinary success of the exhibition in Treviso, Francis Bacon stops in Dubrovnik, supported by the city Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.

FRANCIS BACON. The boundaries of the mind Museum of Modern Art, Dubrovnik 22 December 2016 – 26 February 2017 – Curated by Giulia Zandonadi and Vesna Delic Gozze


In Florence an intrepid exhibition was organized, a lunge at contemporary art with an innovative point of view.

ARTE E OMOSESSUALITÀ. Da von Gloeden a Pierre et Gilles Palazzina Reale. Firenze 27 October 2007 – 2 January 2008 – Curated by Eugenio Viola Promoted by Vittorio Sgarbi


The success of Rome revived in the beautiful rooms in the center of Pesaro.

CITY LEGO. 7.000.000 BRICKS IN TOWN Centro Arti Visive Pescheria 9 april – 11 june 2017 – Curated by di LAB


In the wake of the exhibitions organised in Treviso, a monographic exhibition on Cima da Conegliano was held in the artist’s birthplace. A natural continuation was the exhibition dedicated to Bellotto and landscape painting.

CIMA DA CONEGLIANO. Poeta del paesaggio Palazzo Sarcinelli. Conegliano 26 February – 2 June 2010 – Curated by Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa Scientific Committee: Peter Humfrey, David Alan Brown, Mauro Lucco, Matteo Ceriana

BERNARDO BELLOTTO. Il Canaletto delle corti europee Palazzo Sarcinelli. Conegliano 11 November 2011 – 15 April 2012 – Curated by Dario Succi


Thanks to international partnerships, two exhibitions organised in Italy were reshaped for the French public and mounted in prestigious venues in Paris.

L’OR DES INCAS. Origines et mystères Pinacothèque de Paris 4 December 2009 – 27 June 2010 – Curated by Marc Restellini

CIMA. Maître de la Renaissance vénitienne Musée du Luxembourg. Parigi 5 April – 15 July 2012 – Curated by RMN


In one of the most culturally active and frenetic cities, ancient and modern features mix in a place hosting an exhibition dedicated to Francis Bacon.

FRANCIS BACON. Crucifixions at St Stephen Walbrook St Stephen Walbrook Church 6 March 2017 – 31 March 2017 – Curated by Jonathan Evens